Here comes another hero
Here comes another hero,
Someone that has felt rebellious and spilt blood.
Someone that dreams about touching the sky knowing the fall might be harder than last time.
Someone that is not afraid of heights but keeps their toes stuck to the ground.
Here’s to the hero as a child I wanted so much to become and keeps getting lost.
No suit, nor cape but a pair of old sneakers instead.
Superstrength is overrated and superspeed will not take me anywhere I’d like to be.
No superpower but a genuine smile that makes me feel everything is going to be all right.
“Keep discovering, keep wandering”. It’s what I tend to hear every time the surroundings are calm and silent.
It’s my child’s inner voice that still clings to the strong family roots. Those that have allowed us to jump so freely from branch to branch.
“Cause this tree is not going anywhere and will be plenty of branches to give us shelter”.
Sometimes I wonder if that child has become sillier or braver…
Poor decisions led to big lessons. I know I’ve let you down and won’t promise you that things will be smoother now.
I’ll keep making mistakes that will cause us pain, but I’ll make sure that you don’t go through it all by yourself.
It’s not about going further and higher anymore, mainly when most of the self-journey is meant to be in solitary.
Can’t tell if I’ll ever become that hero you dream of, but I’ll try my very best to be that friend you always wanted.
That when gravity tries to pull you down, I’ll hold very tight to that branch.
And even if everything fails, I’ll make you fall with style.