To my future-self

3 min readApr 5, 2021

You’ve been deeply hurt.

In a way you’d have never imagine could be possible,

no after all the things we’ve been through before.

Our bad, thinking that we’ve been able to build some kind of immunity.

But you know, it was not meant to be our last time.

No, you fool! And it’s okay because, after every storm, some clarity comes.

Truth is, you’ll keep getting hurt: physically, and emotionally.

Maybe that’s the price we’re meant to pay for being here and feel alive.

How come someone knows what it is to be full of joy

if sadness hasn’t knocked on the door?

How come someone feels calm and aspire to a state of inner peace

if anger has never tried to fill some internal hole?

How could you know if someone is worth the try

if you are not willing to take the risk and open your heart again?

Because that’s exactly how you get the experience,

by trying over, and over again.

And that’s what makes you who you are today.

A person that is full of self-expectations, willing to help others,

hesitant about chasing dreams without going to sleep,

brave or stupid enough to play the same card in a different game,

loyal and with an adventurous heart, thoughtful mind, and a restless body.

Who’s trying to set harmony with its bold soul.

That’s what has taken us this far.

Dear future me, the pain you felt was real.

Just as the fear of not been keeping true to yourself after all this time.

You were disappointed not for what others did

but what the situation meant and because you let it happened.

It felt like been pushed to the edge towards an endless fall.

Where you wanna know nothing about anything or anyone.

And yet you still breathe.

Your mind and body did not feel connected,

but who knows, maybe they weren’t before neither.

Maybe you were hiding inside an illusion.

But things can’t last forever…

At least not the way we’d like them to.

But you know, that’s okay.

That’s what makes you appreciate moments even more.

To keep them as personal treasures

or even let time make its thing to turn them in to fuel for your personal growth.

You are indeed powerless over so many things that surround you,

but if there is something, we can get from this,

it’s that there’s always an alternative way to see and act over things.

Sometimes, everything might seem so blurry making you feel you’ve lost completely the path.

That’s precisely a good time to stop and think not about what you have lost

but about what you still have,

and for what you are willing to put your focus and effort to work on.

Try to do it smartly though, ’cause you’re pure gasoline.

And when you feel doubtful about your value or potential,

it’s worth looking around to acknowledge the people that are in your life.

Cause you should know that you are not alone at all.

People full of talent and dreams, actually care about you. Such a lucky one.

Let them do it and be thankful for it.

Cause they’ve seen and still can perceive the worth you might think is gone.

Keep truthful to them but above all to yourself.

In the end, we owe it ourselves anyway.

